Technologies to facilitate the learning process and increase student success

Category: Academic Technology (Page 1 of 3)

General postings on academic technology.


I am interviewing for a new part-time NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR AND TECHNOLOGIST to work within and manage the TARDIS lab. The lab’s primarily serves the the MPA program. The specifics about the position, responsibilities and salary are attached in the link below. I am looking forward to interviewing some well qualified candidates. This is a great position that former employees have left for great positions in their field of study. Please forward any questions to [email protected].  Applications are due June 1, 2016.

Come and Impress Us……  

Adam Scott Wandt, JD, MPA
Assistant Professor of Public Policy, and
Deputy Chair for Academic Technology
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Faculty Fellow for Online Learning
John Jay Online

Conference THIS FRIDAY: ONLINE EDUCATION: Successes, Challenges, and Best Practices



ONLINE EDUCATION: Successes, Challenges, and Best Practices

2nd Annual All Day CUNY-wide Conference

April 8, 2016, 9AM – 5PM

John Jay College of Criminal Justice 524 West 59th Street, New York, NY, 10019 Room: NB-L.63



Questions? Email [email protected]

CUNYFirst: In Last Place

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It’s the first day of the semester and once again CUNYFirst is down. (For the second day in a row). Since I am constantly hearing that CUNYFirst cost around $1Billion to fully implement… I must ask faculty and staff: “What would YOU have spent $1Billion on within CUNY if you had the opportunity?

Looking forward to responses.


Entering Grades: A CUNYfirst Tutorial

Dear Faculty:

I have prepared a video tutorial to assist faculty members in entering grades into CUNYfirst. Due to small text/fonts and icons within the CUNYfirst system, the video is best watched in high definition at 720p in full screen. YouTube viewers can adjust the screen resolution by selecting the gear icon in the bottom right corner of the video player, and selecting 720p. Watching the video in a lower resolution will result in a blurry image.


Here is the link:

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments on this Entering Grades tutorial.


I am pleased to announce the first episode of CUNYTECH A+

Screen Shot 2013-03-22 at 4.12.05 PM

A+ is the new monthly academic technology podcast hosted by the Skunkworks: Academic Technology Research and Development Group. Skunkworks will be brining you monthly podcasts that focus on academic technology at CUNY and beyond. Episode 1 (April 2013) is a general introduction. The second episode will air May 2013 and will focus on use of the Blackboard LMS.


*** A special thanks to the John Jay College AVS Team. Without them this production would not be possible ***

Mobile Devices: Investigations, Privacy and Policy


This is a recent lecture I gave, entitled “Mobile Devices: Investigations, Privacy and Policy.” It does not deal directly with academic technology, but with mobile device privacy. As more and more of higher education gets delivered digitally, it is important to protect students’ identities and retain their privacy. This lecture educates the viewer on important privacy and legal issues relating to mobile devices and the use of mobile device applications. Not only is it useful for individuals to learn about how to protect their privacy on their mobile devices, but many of these issues should be taken into consideration when designing online courses and educational web applications.

Please leave comments in the section below. I an curious as to people’s opinions on this topic.

You can access my lecture: “Mobile Devices: Investigations, Privacy and Policy” Here

The 90-Second Academic Technology Update: How to Connect a Macbook Air or Macbook Pro to an Overhead Projector

Apple DisplayPort to VGA Apaptor

I am devoting my second “90-Second Academic Technology Update” podcast to a basic but important question I get asked all the time: How does a professor hookup a Macbook to an overhead projector? What adaptor is needed? Where can they get one? Are there any OS X software options that need configuration?

Please CLICK HERE for the Podcast

The 90-Second Academic Technology Update:

Dear CUNY Community:

This video is the first of my new series: “The 90-Second Academic Technology Update.”

This series will regularly explore emerging academic technologies in a short 90 second format. I will try to add one or two new episodes a month.

If you are an academic technology vendor and would like me to review your software or hardware, please get in touch.

In the first episode I explore a new software application, “

Zoom is a powerful video conferencing and screen sharing solution. Up to 15 people can video conference without headsets. The program is available on multiple platforms.

This is a great program for professors to use for video conferencing with one or more students. It is also a good program to recommend to students who are doing group projects. Please watch the video. If you try out, let me know what you think in the comment section.

Subscribe for more academic technology updates and technology product reviews.

Better Group Video Conferencing Using


INTERNET CENSORSHIP THREATENS DEMOCRACY: An Important Message Regarding SOPA, PIPA, and Internet Censorship



My name is Adam S. Wandt and I am coming to you from John Jay College of Criminal Justice where I serve as a faculty member and Deputy Chair for Academic Technology in the Department of Public Management.  I am also a Research Associate with the Center for Cybercrime Studies, and Chair of the CUNY SkunkWorks academic technology research and development group.

I am here to speak out against all forms of Internet censorship, including the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act, both currently pending before Congress.

An open and uncensored Internet is essential to promote and protect democracy.  From citizen advocacy, to increased government transparency, to informed decision making, citizens, NGO’s, politicians and the oppressed are employing Internet-based technologies to enhance communications, protect and spread democracy, and allow people in oppressive regimes to organize, communicate, collaborate and overcome adversity.

While online piracy is a problem, I am a firm believer that legislation is not the answer.  It will ultimately fail while costing Americans hundreds of millions of tax dollars.  We should be considering a constitutional amendment to protect unrestricted access to the Internet, not debating legislation to censor it.

We must find alternative means to protect intellectual property while ensuring profitability for authors and artists, publishers and producers, and corporations alike.  The solutions will not come easily and require rethinking and redefining how we deal with intellectual property.

After years of the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) failing to protect the music industry with litigation and legislation, the solution came from the technology sector, not Congress or the courts.

Apple’s introduction of the iPod, iTunes and the 99 cent song redefined the music industry by providing a safe, inexpensive and profitable means for the music industry to successfully sell online digital music.

Starting In 2001, millions of people around the world who were illegally downloading music on a regular basis, switched to iTunes and started paying for their music because it was safe, affordable and easier than illegal downloading.  In 2010, just nine years later, Apple hit their 10 billionth iTunes sale.  Today, Apple is the most valuable technology company in the world with well over 100 billion dollars in annual revenue.

It is this type of thinking that is needed to protect both the Internet and intellectual property going forward.  I call on members of Congress and the the public-at-large to consider this message carefully to ensure a bright, open and profitable future for America.


Thank you.

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